Ratingdietplans.com Has Created The Ultimate List Of Holiday Dieting Tips

20, 2013 TAMPA, Fla., Nov. 20, 2013 /PRNewswire-iReach/ — http://www.RatingDietPlans.com , a website designed to help people find their perfect diet plan, has released a November feature titled ” 26 Holiday Dieting Tips That Will Keep You Food Coma Free! ” While many think of the holiday season as “the most wonderful time of the year”, there are also those that absolutely dread this time. For those that are watching their waistlines and trying to lose weight, the holiday season can be some of the most stressful times because of the never-ending temptations that creep up at each and every holiday event they attend. Even simple shopping trips and family gatherings can lead to overeating because, during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, most tend to throw their weight loss dr oz garcinia cambogia goals out the window and figure they can start over come New Year’s Day. This mentality has led to the average American’s waistline slowly increasing each year with an average holiday weight gain of one to three pounds during the last two months of the year alone.
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‘Pregorexia’: Extreme dieting while pregnant

The more they get people hooked on dieting, the more they assure that the body will slow down its ability to burn calories and will create a “perfect storm for weight regain.” These are the conditions necessary for getting people to pledge their dollars toward the next weight loss gimmick and remain stuck in the process of losing and gaining all over again. Pope astutely concludes that this “explains the high failure rate in obesity treatment.” She is adding an important voice to the ongoing controversy over whether dieting helps people maintain any weight loss. Despite ongoing research indicating that dieting not only doesn’t produce lasting weight loss but may also lead to weight gain, especially in teens, many of us fall under the spell and argue in favor of dieting, saying that it is healthy and good, even something to be admired and rewarded, a virtue worth pursuing. The multi-billion dollar diet industry seduces us into believing that cycles of dieting are the best way to achieve the “right” body for each one of us.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jane-shure/dieting_b_1194532.html

The Fat on Dieting in the New Year

Nearly 10 years later, she finally got treatment by going to the Remuda Ranch in Arizona, a residential treatment center for women with anorexia and bulimia. Her daughter, now in her 20s and perfectly healthy, was angry at her mother when she found out what she had done during the pregnancy. I had to let her be angry at me, said Baumann. She had to process knowing that I did this and thinking, Why wouldnt my mom feed me? Even coming from her end, its unbelievable because if you dont have an eating disorder, its very hard to understand, she said.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://wtkr.com/2013/11/20/pregorexia-extreme-dieting-while-pregnant/

Is Dieting Worth The Trouble?


Change the definition again. Eventually, the medical community settled on the current standard of losing just 5 percent of one’s starting weight, despite having no scientifically-supported medical reason for doing so. As a result, dieters can be deemed successful without achieving notable amounts of weight loss or, as in the Look AHEAD trial, meaningful improvements in cardiovascular health. And remember that the majority of dieters do not even lose enough weight to meet this ineffectual standard.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/a-janet-tomiyama/does-dieting-work_b_2253565.html

“Yo-yo dieting” not tied to early death: study

During a 16-year follow-up period that ended in 2008, roughly 15,000 men and 10,000 women died. A total of 42 percent of men and nearly 57 percent of women in the study reported intentionally losing and then regaining at least 10 pounds one or more times in their life. Among women whose weight yo-yoed the most — 20 times or more — 16 percent died over the study, compared to 15 percent of those who said their weight never cycled due to dieting. For men, the corresponding numbers were 29 percent and 26 percent. But as it turned out, participants whose weight cycled the most were also more likely to be heavy 10 years prior to the start of the study, which could raise their risk of death. When the researchers accounted for that, as well as health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure and smoking, the gaps in death rates disappeared.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/02/02/us-yo-yo-dieting-idUSTRE8111P820120202

Dieting Makes garcinia cambogia dr oz You Fat

What, then, is the answer to losing weight, if diets are out? Cannon, without subscribing to the misconception that a thin person is, by definition, a healthy person and fat people are likewise unhealthy, says there are a lot of people out there who need to lose a lot of weight. He writes from experience, having jumped on the dieting wagon at a young age himself. When he realized that the diets he tried were ineffective, he set about proving why.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.alternet.org/story/91890/dieting_makes_you_fat

Rethinking Mental Health Needs In Long Beach: Guest Commentary

This is merely a temporary, Band-Aid approach, which does not address the increasing rates of recidivism or the root causes. If tax dollars are to be used more effectively, the public needs to embrace a culture in which mental health treatment facilities are encouraged, not feared. Jails and hospitals are not equipped with staff trained to work with individuals who are experiencing a mentally illness and use substances. By supporting the development of treatment facilities that address substance use and mental illness, funds will be utilized more effectively. With proper support from the community, we can improve the lives of everyone living in Long Beach. Recovery is possible under the right circumstances.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.presstelegram.com/opinion/20131107/rethinking-mental-health-needs-in-long-beach-guest-commentary

Mental health bills may threaten the Affordable Care Act

While the potential for higher mental health treatment costs may reduce the benefit of adding more young people to the insurance pool, Sengupta and others say middle-aged people who exercise, have healthy diets and have preventive exams may be the ones who help the insurance pool the most. Several people have predicted a “death spiral,” or that so many sick people would sign up for the exchanges that they would force premiums up and make them unaffordable for everyone. The law provides some protection against that, including a tax on non-exchange insurance products that will be used to offset rising costs, if necessary. There are also risk-adjustment provisions for the insurers, as well as $10 billion worth of re-insurance in 2014 for those who sign on higher levels of people with chronic conditions.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.wzzm13.com/news/article/272661/2/Mental-health-bills-may-threaten-Obamacare